This is the blog of an artist who uses the pseudonym Wildebeest. There are no drawings or pictures of actual wildebeests here.
This blog is NSFW, and is not intended for children.

Or, for that matter, most adults.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Talking 'bout my generation

Sherri Whitlow
You can tell by the cultural references scattered through these first posts that I am not exactly new to this.

I adore the fetish models and actresses that are out there feeding my obsession in 2011, but I come from a different time. I lusted mightily in my twenties after Sherri Whitlow, and for good reason: she was smokin' hot.

I don't remember how I even became aware of her existence. Sports Review Wrestling was obviously the gateway drug. But it was a competing magazine, whose name escapes me, that carried all the little ads in the back pages for California Supreme, Milco and Curtis Dupont.

I remember when I first ordered flyers from some of those companies. I think I handled the paper and envelopes with gloves, so as to not leave fingerprints. I wanted some measure of deniability in case the FBI swooped down on me. I was probably eighteen or nineteen.

After California Supreme and Milco came Triumph Studios and Golden Girls. I wanted Rosemary Lorenz so bad it hurt. And then Sue Bowser, of course, but everyone loved Sue.

Personally I was enamored of Golden Girls Mindy, Leslie and Jill. Especially Jill because she was really cute and willing to fight naked, which you didn't see a lot of in those days.

There was someone else, whose name I think was Lenore, who I liked because she did some serious bumps – serious by Golden Girls standards, anyway.

With Golden Girls, you saw a lot of damn near perfect-looking women who rolled around a lot. It wasn't terrific action, but the women were so stunning you didn't care.

Lenore was hot, but she didn't have the super-svelte figure you normally expected a Golden Girl to have. She looked like she meant business. I ordered the tape based on the other girl in the fight, and assumed it would look like a regular Golden Girls product. But Lenore worked a little stiff, as they would say in pro wrestling. I don't remember who she was fighting, but I remember she swung her opponent around and just tossed her about halfway across the ring, where she landed with a loud thud.

The other girl got up with a 'what the fuck was that?' expression on her face, and maybe I just wanted to believe it, but it seemed like that whole match was a little rougher than the typical GG event.

And when I say she landed with a loud thud, I mean loud by Golden Girls standards. In Golden Girls videos, for some reason, even an earring falling off would be accompanied by a reverberating, speaker-rattling WHUMPF! It wasn't dubbed in; it was just a loud echo-y venue. I guess they shot those in a zeppelin hangar somewhere.

I'll write more about this another time.

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