This is the blog of an artist who uses the pseudonym Wildebeest. There are no drawings or pictures of actual wildebeests here.
This blog is NSFW, and is not intended for children.

Or, for that matter, most adults.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The latest

Well, I see Blogger has changed the posting interface. I don't like it.

In any event, I've finished my third round of chemo. They told me the after effects would be cumulative, and they were right. Nausea, vomiting, severe heartburn, sensitivity to cold (holding a cold drink feels like having a fistful of straight pins poking my fingers).

I'm sleeping a lot. Like 36 hours at a stretch. I'm watching a lot of television, which I never used to do. Thank god for PBS.

My blood tests are coming back with extremely good results. One thing I don't have to worry about, at least for the present, is having my immune system compromised. Red and white cell counts are normal.

There's another blood test they do for patients like me. I can't explain exactly how it works, but the first test had results that are very close to normal, ie, what a person with no cancer at all would show.

I have three more chemo sessions, spread out over six weeks. Then a CT scan to see if the stuff is working.

I haven't been drawing, or spending much time at the computer at all. The new Adobe Creative Studio is out. Normally, I would have downloaded that on day one, but I don't have much enthusiasm for it right now. There's a new Wacom tablet out, too, but I can't get worked up about it.

I'm just focused on living one day at a time and trying to make the most of the time when I'm able to be up and around.


  1. Hi Cam-

    I'm glad you're doing so well in your treatments. I'm not far behind. I'd been scheduled for 3 separate 'cycles' of chemo, one every 3 weeks, and have one to go. I can empathise with the sleep & TV watching, both pursuits I never seemed to concern myself with. As of today, I have 9 remaining radiation treatments as well, but I find myself somewhat disheartened. I suppose this could be natural, but I'm just sick & tired of being sick & tired.
    We'll both get thru this, and it was GREAT to hear from dis to Slid, of course. As a matter of fact, a sincere 'Thank You' to Slid is in order. We hang on your every word(s).

    Keep on-

  2. Great to hear of your progress. Just know that there are alot of us pulling for you.

  3. Great news on your progress, Be patient, get well.

  4. Yay! Great to hear from you! Glad you're making good progress!!!

  5. I know chemo can put you down, but hang in there. It gets better. One of my good friends couldn't get out of his chair for five days. We're all pulling for you.

  6. Glad to hear about the good news. :) You've got some loyal fans rooting for ya.

  7. It sounds tough. Wish you well.

  8. Dear Cameroon I was having trouble coming up with the words. I just want to tell you my thoughts are with you. ALOT of people love the person we have come to know through your work and your writings. You have so much more work to do! You will get through this, this is temporary. Look at it as a very shitty vacation. Your strong and they have made amazing advances in treatment. You give so freely of your talent and we are all grateful! Thankyou. We await the masters return. Now get well dammit!
    Ps- I know! I survived chemo myself,never believe the "odds" Every time something...anything happens, the odds were 100% it would. :)


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