This is the blog of an artist who uses the pseudonym Wildebeest. There are no drawings or pictures of actual wildebeests here.
This blog is NSFW, and is not intended for children.

Or, for that matter, most adults.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Wildebeests work gone.

I'm sorry to have to pass this along, but a high end company that looked at the hard drive Cam's work was on has pronounced it a total loss. They aren't able to work with it which means it's lost for good. I'm not sure what happened to the drive to make it do that, but according to my research Western Digital drives are really temperamental and given to catastrophic failure. I supposed it could have been a surge in electricity, a lightning strike, who knows? I lost one of my own external drives at the same time, I suspect for the same reason.

This blog will  continue in perpetuity as a memorial to the man and to his marvelous work.

If you have any questions, please email me directly since I will not be checking this site on a regular basis. My email is

Thanks so much for your appreciation of Cam's work.



Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Working on recovering the lost drive

Hi all.
Debbi Chan (foxyfighter) approached me a few weeks back. She offered to pay for recovery of the disk out of her own pocket and so I got the disk to her so she could take it in to a data recovery company. Well, we figured this would cost a few hundred dollars. It seems we were off just a tad. The quote given to us was for $1800. Per disk. There are two.
Long story short, she's set up for crowd funding on the below link. If you can manage to help, do consider this. I'm sure Debbi can give you details about the problem and the company.
Hope this works.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My last effort has not worked.

The hard drive that has Cam's work on it is still showing zero content when I made my recent attempt to open it up. I'm still not satisfied that it is entirely lost, though. I am still trying to find a solution on my end. More research is in the offing. I'll stay at it as long as it takes.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sorry about the absence, but...(updated)

First of all, in case anyone is new to this site, Camaroon Wildebeest has passed away and Cam in anticipation of his passing, gave me a large hard drive full of Cam's unpublished work for the purpose of posting here. I began to post the work on the site but then the hard drive apparently malfunctioned and I haven't been able to get access to it since. This was about a year ago. There has been a delay of a year since I last posted on this site, or even looked at it. I did not let anyone know what was going on. Many people have expressed their displeasure with me on this blog. This post is to answer them and anyone else who has had questions.

I'm sorry. I have indeed been neglecting the site. Like you, I am human. When I'm having a tough time I pull in like a turtle.  Here is a partial explanation why.

I've been ill a lot in the last year and have family stuff going on, including a death of a close family member and the resultant crazy assed feuding and upset that followed. And to say the least, that's not all that's been going on, but that's all I have to say on it. To put it simply, it's a good thing that the last year of my life is past.

Some of you may not have noticed the earlier post I put up, but the hard drive that Cam sent me currently can't be found by any of my computers when I try to connect to it and is probably dead.

I consider the loss of the drive to be a tragedy!

Nothing I've tried so far has revived it. I have already posted everything I have.  I'll be sure to look at the blog at least once a month from now on in case there are any questions.

I will be attempting to get into the possibly dead hard drive with some software I have, directly. Don't get your hopes up, though. The particular brand of external hard drive Cam sent me (Buffalo) is known for failing. If that is the situation, I will let you know soon.

I'll be keeping this blog up in any case, even if I ultimately stop posting myself.

And Google is not changing their policy on adult content, btw. So no worries there.

 If you have an issue with how long I'm taking in between posts or answering any questions you may have here, PLEASE feel free to email me and let me know.
